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People Forum on International Social Responsibility was held successfully in Beijing


People Forum on International Social Responsibility was held successfully in Yingjie International Exchange Center of Beijing on November. 16th.,2013. CFPA and eighteen supporters jointly held this forum. Huang Mengfu, Vice-Chairmen of the Eleventh People’s Political Consultative Conference delivered a keynote speech. DuanYingbi, President of China Foundation of Poverty Alleviation, and ZhengWenkai, Deputy Director of China Center for International Economics Exchanges, took part in this forum and gave speeches. There are more than 300 representatives from Chinese related government departments, enterprises, NGOs and scholars invited to this forum.

In the opening ceremonyHe Daofeng, Executive President of China Foundation for Poverty Alleviationdelivered a keynote speech on China’s International Social Responsibility. He showed us Chinese efforts to achieve modernization and listed Chinese progress in 35 years of reform and opening up. His report pointed out ways how people realize the International social responsibility.

This forum also published 5 outcomes of Research on China’s International Social Responsibility including: China’s Foreign Aid and International Social Responsibility, Strategy and Roadmap of Chinese NGO’s Internationalization, China’s International Social Responsibility and The Role of Chinese Overseas Enterprises, Comparative Research on the Implementation of International Social Responsibility by Europe, US, Japan and Chinadone by U Ko Ko Hlaing, M yanmar Chief Political Advisor to the president from Myanmar Development and Resources Institute with and the Roadmap and Efficiency of Myanmar model of China’s International Social Responsibility. These 5 books took CFPA and five think-tanks from China and Myanmar more than one year to finish. The checking panel is composed of more than sixty domestic and international famous experts.

In order to strengthen Chinese overseas and multinational corporations’ communication on CSR and to improve their ways of fulfilling the responsibility, this forum also rewarded the best cases in fulfilling their social responsibility.

The forum invited representatives from government, companies, NGOs to carry out in-depth discussion and communication around the theme of “China’s international social responsibility and non-government helping each other”, and the major topic of how the Chinese government and non-governmental organizations to perform their international social responsibility, deepened the understanding and thinking of the following questions and ideas, and also have reached a lot of consensus and results. There is no doubt that this is a theme forum with a higher level, wide participation range, high representative, rich contents and international vision.