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Angeline Ndayishimiye, the First Lady of Burundi, visited China Foundation for Rural Development


On the morning of July,3, Angeline Ndayishimiye, the First Lady of Burundi visited CFRD with delegation. Fifteen people including Ms. Ndayishimiye, the First Lady of Burundi,Deputy Director of the Civil Affairs Office of the Office of the President of Burundi Donavine Niyongere,Executive Secretary of the Development Office of the First Lady of Burundi Jean Bosco Girukwishaka,Burundi Bonne Action Coordinator Aimable Sindayikengera,Ambassador of Burundi to China Telesphore Irambona,Head of the Political Office of the Chinese Embassy in Burundi Qin Yiran,Deputy Director, Liaison Department, All-China Women's Federation Huangshu,DirectorAsia Branch Zhangzhen visited CFRD. CFRD President Mr.Zheng Wenkai,  Executive Director Mr. Chen Hongtao,  directors of International Development Department, Administration Department, Human Resource Department, and Branding and Communication Department, and other relevant staffs received the delegation.

 The delegation of the First Lady of Burundi visited CFRD

 In his speech, President Zheng sincerely welcomed the visit of Ms. Ndayishimiye and the delegation. In the meantime, he also thanked the All-China Women's Federation, the Embassy of Burundi in China and the Chinese Embassy in Burundi for their careful organization and arrangements for the visit. President Zheng expressed that, during the process cooperating with the Burundi, he deeply felt the concern and care of Ms. Ndayishimiye for public welfare and charity. This time the First Lady will further deepen the cooperation between the two sides, promote the people to people connectivity between China and Burundi, and help build a China-Africa community of a shared future.

Zheng Wenkai, the President of CFRD was giving a welcome speech

Executive Director Chen introduced the five directions of our domestic programs to Ms. Ndayishimiye and the delegation. In the meantime, he introduced our international programs surrounding the six SDG goals of the UN. And then he reviewed the history of our cooperation with the Bonne Action led by Ms. Ndayishimiye, from the field study and initial visit in Burundi in September 2022, to the distribution of 2,600 Panda Packs in Burundi in October of that year. In addition, Chen Hongtao said that, in 2023, we will continue to implement the Panda Pack Project and other projects of poverty reduction.

Chen Hongtao, the Executive Director of CFRD, was introducing CFRD

Ms. Ndayishimiye further explored the cooperation progress in fields such as quality education, food safety, and public health. In the meantime, she expressed her gratitude for our effort and contribution to Burundi and expected to develop in-depth project cooperation.

Ms. Ndayishimiye was giving a speech

Jean Bosco Girukwishaka introduced the program situation of Bonne Action to the guests.

Jean Bosco Girukwishaka introduced Bonne Action

     Ms. Ndayishimiye visited CFRD

 Group photo with Ms. Ndayishimiye and the delegation