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2023 Welcome Meeting for Monthly Donors of the Smiling Children School Feeding Program was Successfully Held Online


Children School Feeding Program of 2023 was successfully conducted with 1,134 audiences online. Through live streaming, the meeting introduced the progress of the program in the first quarter of 2023 and expressed welcome and gratitude to the new monthly donors.


Wu Peng, the Director of the International Development Department, talked about the original aspiration of setting the monthly donation plan for Smiling Children School Feeding Program and shared the value and significance of the program. Through a video of the program, participants gained a rudimentary overview of it.

The colleagues of the International Development Department narrated the current situation of the beneficiary zones and program progress through video. The Smiling Children School Feeding Program not only prevents the children from hunger and enables them to return to schools, but also provides employment opportunities for local impoverished women through the pattern of Mothers' Group妈妈团.

During the meeting, the feedback and activities for the monthly donors were introduced in detail. A Q&A session was also set to answer the questions from the monthly donors.

With the continuous efforts and support from the monthly donors, more and more hungry children can have clean meals. 

Love without borders, people to people connectivity! 

Hope that more warm-hearted individuals join in the big family of monthly donors of the international Smiling Children Program to help the children grow up healthily. 

More giving, more joy!