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New Great Wall Vocational Education Empowerment Project Ability Enhancement Summer Camp Program of China Development Bank (CDB) successfully Ended——Empower the Future, Promote the High-quality Development of Vocational Education


From July 10 to 14,  New Great Wall Vocational Education Empowerment Project Ability Enhancement Summer Camp of CDB was held in Beijing. 20 outstanding students from the higher vocational schools in Guizhou and Sichuan Province gathered in Beijing to participate the capacity improvement courses and research and study activities.

Yang Guang, the senior expert from Ministry of Finance and Accounting of CDB said that, with the mission to 'strengthen the national power and improve people's livelihood', CDB is committed to promoting equality in education. Through providing financial assistance, New Great Wall Vocational Education Empowerment Project of CDB enables the impoverished vocational students to realize their dream, carries out activities like Ability Enhancement Summer Camp Program provides courses on capacity improvement, proceeds the insight expansion and growth practice. On the basis of talents, the program promotes the high-quality development of vocational education and helps to realize a better and more sustainable future.


Through the courses on capacity improvement like self-management and effective communication, the program led those students to increase their input in academic development and activities, improve their resilience, cooperation and proactive interaction skills, and build up their confidence in interpersonal communication. The activity also invited the professors and experts from Peking University(PKU), China Agricultural University (CAU), and Communication University of China (CUC) to communicate with the students face-to-face and help them to set clearer goals and directions. 

During the activity, the students were also arranged to visit and study the sight including the National Museum of China, the Palace Museum, and the National Aquatics center, feeling the spirit of Beijing's succession from the past to the present, and the harmony between traditional culture and modern civilization which broadening their horizons.