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The XCMG Water Cellar Program (Phase V) Launch Ceremony and (Phase IV) Completion Ceremony Successfully Held in Ethiopia


On April 27th, local time in Ethiopia, the fifth phase launch ceremony of the Water Cellar Program and the completion ceremony of the fourth phase, jointly conducted by the China Foundation for Rural Development (CFRD) and XCMG Group, was successfully held at Obay Elementary School in Dukem, Oromia Region. The ceremony was attended by nearly 90 people, including Yang Yihang, the Economic and Commercial Counselor of the Chinese Embassy in Ethiopia; Li Jingchen, the Country Manager of the East Africa Region of XCMG Group; representatives from local government departments; Yin Xi, the Director of the Ethiopia Office of the CFRD; beneficiary farmers' representatives; and representatives of teachers and students from beneficiary schools.

Ceremony scene

                           Local Traditional Blessing Ceremony

In his address, Yang Yihang, the Economic and Commercial Counselor of the Chinese Embassy in Ethiopia, stated that the , jointly initiated by the China Foundation for Rural Development and XCMG Group, not only brings Chinese technology to Ethiopia but also serves as a beautiful symbol of friendship between the people of China and Ethiopia. As the Chinese Embassy in Ethiopia, they will encourage more Chinese enterprises to fulfill their corporate social responsibilities in the future, contributing to Ethiopia's economic and social development.

Economic and Commercial Counselor of the Chinese Embassy in Ethiopia, Yang Yihang, givng a speech

Li Jingchen, the Country Manager of the East Africa Region for XCMG Group, stated that as one of the largest machinery manufacturers in China, XCMG Group has always placed great importance on corporate social responsibility. The company has launched several public welfare programs, such as education and clean water. He hopes that XCMG Group's philanthropic efforts can bring more happiness to the people of Ethiopia and encourage more companies to join in these public welfare endeavors.

Li Jingchen, Country Manager of the East Africa Region for XCMG Group, with students from the beneficiary school

Yin Xi, Director of the Ethiopia Office, introduced the programs carried out by CFRD in Ethiopia in her speech. She stated that XCMG Group's long-term and genuine concern for the livelihoods of local communities is a model of corporate social responsibility.

Yin Xi, Director of the Ethiopia Office, giving a speech

At the ceremony, the teachers and students of the beneficiary school expressed their immense gratitude for the program’s arrival, using their smiles and enthusiasm to convey their thanks to the program’s donors and the Chinese people. Miyehai, the Director of the Ethiopian Rainwater Harvesting Association, provided a detailed introduction to the results of the program's fourth phase and gave the beneficiary farmers a thorough explanation of the implementation plan for the fifth phase.

Miyehai, the Director of the Ethiopian Rainwater Harvesting Association, explained the results of the fourth phase of the water cellar program and the arrangements for the fifth phase to the farmers.

In response to Ethiopia's long-term drought and lack of clean water sources, XCMG Group and CFRD launched the Water Cellar Program. This program introduces China's water cellar technology, which solves drinking water issues in arid regions and collects rainwater from rooftops and the ground during the rainy season. After filtration, this water can be used during the dry season for drinking water for villagers and livestock and for agricultural activities, thus addressing or alleviating water shortages caused by natural disasters and lack of facilities. It also helps families reduce the time and cost of water collection and enhances their ability to access water resources. Since 2016, the Water Cellar Program has constructed 161 household water cellars in Oromia, Amhara, and the Southern Nations regions of Ethiopia, benefiting over 12,000 people. In 2024, the fifth phase of the Water Cellar Program officially began in Dukem, Oromia, constructing 40 above-ground water cellars for 38 drought-affected households and a public primary school.