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The Handover Ceremony of the "Kavresthali (Alle-Thumki) Drinking Water Supply Project" Was Successfully Held


On the morning of May 12th, the China Foundation for Rural Development (CFRD) successfully held the handover ceremony for the " Kavresthali (Alle-Thumki) Drinking Water Supply Project" in Tarakeshwor Municipality, Nepal. Over 200 people attended the ceremony, including Mr. Krishna Hari Maharjan, Mayor of Tarakeshwor Municipality; Mr. Wang Xin, Counselor of the Chinese Embassy in Nepal; Mr. Bhimsen Das Pradhan, former Minister of Defense of Nepal; Ms. Shriyanka Bulako Aryal; Deputy Mayor of Tarakeshwor Municipality, Mr. Radha Krishna Kaji, Spokesperson of Tarakeshwor Municipality, Mr. Navin Manandhar, Spokesperson of Kathmandu, Mr. Navaraj Adhikari, Chairman of the Water Supply Project User Committee, Mr. Wu Peng, Director of the International Development Department of the CFRD, Ms. Zou Zhiqiang, Director of the Nepal Office, and representatives of beneficiaries, relevant government officials, and media.


    Group photo of the ceremony

In his address Mr. Krishna Hari Maharjan, Mayor of Tarakeshwor Municipality, expressed his gratitude to CFRD for supporting the "Kavresthali (Alle-Thumki) Drinking Water Supply Project." The project has provided water supply facilities to 300 households, temples, schools, and health stations, benefiting 4,500 residents. The residents no longer need to travel long distances to fetch water; they can now access clean and healthy water by simply turning on the tap at home, greatly facilitating their daily lives. Mr. Maharjan said, "On behalf of the city government, I promise to work closely with the Water User Committee to ensure regular maintenance and cleaning of the water supply facilities, guaranteeing the continuous provision of clean drinking water for our citizens. I also call on the residents to conserve water to ensure the sustainable operation of this project." Additionally, he thanked CFRD for its contributions to poverty alleviation and development in Tarakeshwor Municipality over the past two years in education, agriculture, and water use.

         Mr. Krishna Hari Maharjan, Mayor of Tarakeshwor Municipality, was giving a speech

Counselor Wang Xin from the Chinese Embassy in Nepal affirmed the poverty reduction work carried out by CFRD in Nepal. During his speech, he stated that China always adheres to the people-centered philosophy of development and has won the largest battle against poverty in human history. China is also actively committed to the common progress of all countries, including Nepal. President Xi Jinping's Global Development Initiative has injected strong impetus into global development cooperation and the implementation of sustainable development goals. China is willing to work with Nepal to deepen cooperation under the framework of the Global Development Initiative, continuously promote the construction of the "Vibrant Village" demonstration project and implement more "small and beautiful" aid projects, contributing to improving the quality of life and living standards of the Nepalese people.


     Counselor Wang Xin from the Chinese Embassy in Nepal giving a speech

Mr. Wu Peng, Director of the International Development Department of CFRD, thanked the Chinese Embassy in Nepal and the Tarakeshwor Municipality city government for supporting this project and the Sustainable Development Experimental Village. He stated that CFRD has been implementing various projects in the Tarakeshwor Municipalityregion, including the Smiling Children Program, the Youth Vocational Training Program, the Panda Pack Project, and the Water Program. Additionally, CFRD has been working in over 60 areas across seven provinces in Nepal, benefiting more than 600,000 people in total, focusing on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. 

In his speech, Mr. Wu Peng said, "Bound together by mountains and rivers, China and Nepal are good neighbors and good friends. CFRD will continue to uphold the philosophy of 'Love without Border, People to People Connectivity,' continually delivering the love of the Chinese people to the southern slopes of the Himalayas, assisting Nepal in achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals by 2030."


Director Mr. Wu Peng giving a speech

All the guests joined the unveiling ceremony at the event, and the Mayor of Tarakeshwor Municipality turned on the water tap, marking the completion and commissioning of the Water Supply Project, which was officially handed over to the Water Supply Project User Committee for operation.

       Guests in the unveiling ceremony

        The Mayor of Tarakeshwor Municipality turning on the water tap

Project Background

To assist the sustainable development of rural areas in Nepal, CFRD began conducting research in Tarakeshwor Municipality in 2022. With the support of the Chinese Embassy in Nepal and the Tarakeshwor Municipality city government, CFRD launched the " First Sustainable Development Experimental Village in Nepal" project on May 29, 2023. The project focuses on the United Nations 2030 Sustainable Development Goals, including poverty eradication, zero hunger, quality education, good health and well-being, clean water, and decent work. In Tarakeshwor Municipality, CFRD has implemented various initiatives such as the entire village drinking water project, the Smiling Children Program, the Youth Vocational Training Program, and the Panda Pack Project,

The "Kavresthali (Alle-Thumki) Drinking Water Supply Project" handed over this time was executed by CFRDThe project constructed water supply pipelines, water storage tanks, and household drinking water facilities for residents in the Kavresthali area of Tarakeshwor Municipality. It provided water supply facilities to 300 households, temples, schools, and health stations, benefiting 4,500 people.

Water storage tank of the drinking water supply project

Water storage tank of the drinking water supply project

Project beneficiary is fetching water