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Ceremony of the First Anniversary of the Establishment of the Smiling Children Program in Nepal was Successfully Held in Kathmandu


On the morning of April 18, the ceremony for the first anniversary of the establishment of the Smiling Children Program in Nepal was successfully held in Kathmandu. H.E. Chen Song, the ambassador of China to Nepal, Minister of Communications and Information Technology Rekha SharmaKathmandu Press Secretary Nabin ManandharMs. Xu Xiaoyun, Country Representative of Power China Group in Nepal, Ms. Zou Zhiqiang, Country Director of the China Foundation for Rural DevelopmentCFRD Nepal Office and other officers were present at the activity. More than 80 people, including experts in child nutrition, representatives of mainstream media, non-governmental organizations, local Education Bureau and teachers and students from beneficiary schools, attended the event. On March 31, 2022, Nepal Smiling Children Program was formally launched in Kathmandu. Until now, the program has benefited 9216 students of 47 primary schools from 3 regions in Kathmandu.

 Group photo of the ceremony

In his speech, Ambassador Chen stated that, in 2021, President Xi Jinping proposed the Global Development Initiative (GDI), promoting to build a community of a shared future for mankind. In the recent 2 years, China has established the Global Development and South-South Cooperation Fund (GDF) and started the first 50 cooperation projects under GDI, covering fields including poverty alleviation, food safety, community construction, and public health. The Smiling Children Program is one of them, whose main content is to provide meals for malnourished children from developing countries. Children are the future of the country and our hope for a better world. The protection of children's rights is an important topic in the international human rights cause. We are delighted to see that the Smiling Children Program, facilitated by CFRD, has benefited more than 100,000 children globally, as well as 9,216 students in 47 community schools of Nepal.

H.E. Chen Song was giving a speech

Minister Rekha Sharma expressed in her speech that, China and Nepal have been friendly for generations. They are grateful for those Chinese caring people supporting the healthy growth of Nepal students and successful employment of women. Enlightened by the International Smiling Children Program, Nepal government began to promote the welfare support of “one kid, one cup of milk, one Dal bat” in various regions.

Minister Rekha Sharma was giving a speech

Mr. Nabin Manandhar said that, they are grateful for the happiness and nutrition brought by the International Smiling Children Program for the children. After the implementation of the program, there was a gradual decrease in absenteeism with a gradual increase in enrollment in beneficiary schools. In addition, he also mentioned and expressed his gratitude for the programs we helped Nepal people during the pandemic in launching projects such as hand-washing stations, isolation points, and distribution of food package and school desks and chairs in Thamel.

Mr. Nabin Manandhar was giving a speech

Ms. Xu Xiaoyun, Country Representative of Power China Group in Nepal, and monthly donor of International Smiling Children Program, representatives of local education bureaus, child nutrition experts and representatives of Mothers' Group shared their understanding, thoughts, and expectations of the program.

Ms. Xu Xiaoyun, was speaking



Ms. Zou Zhiqiang, Country Director of CFRD Nepal Office, thanked the guests for their presence and support, and said that we will share more of China's mature experience in rural development to help Nepal achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as soon as possible.

At the end of the ceremony, Mr. Chen Song, ambassador of China to Nepal and Minister Rekha Sharma awarded certificates to the laborious Mothers’ group, school coordinator and other staffs and distributed lunch for the beneficiary students.

H.E. Chen Song issued certificates to the group of mothers in this program

Attendees distributed meals to students