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China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation Donated 1,150 Food Packages to Schools in Sri Lanka


On June 9, a distribution ceremony of 1,150 food packages was held at Kotana School in Colombo, Sri Lanka. Mr. Qi Zhenhong, Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China in Sri Lanka, Mr. Jinith de Silva, President of Sri Lanka China Society Association, Mr. Zhang Xudong, President of Sri Lanka Overseas Chinese Association, Mr. Zhou Wanshao, President of China Sri Lanka Friendship and Development Association and Ms. Zou Zhiqiang, an Representative of China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation (abbreviation as CFPA) attended the ceremony. This round of food distribution targets four schools in Colombo, which benefits 1,150 students.

 At the site of the distribution ceremony



Since February 2022, Sri Lanka has been suffering from the COVID-19 pandemic and economic crisis that has affected people’s livings, especially for low-income households. With the help of Zhejiang Anfu Lisheng Charity Foundation and Fujian Daai Charity Foundation, CFPA cooperated with Sri Lanka Overseas Chinese Association and China Sri Lanka Friendship and Development Association to donate a total of 1,150 food packages for emergency relief. One package provides rice, beans and oil. The local government and the beneficiaries expressed gratitude for the donation.

Volunteers from the China Sri Lanka Friendship and Development Association loaded food packages into trucks, then shipped to four beneficiary schools. When the packages arrived, students signed for receiving the food.

Food packages arrived at one of four schools


 Students were signing the form in queue