Love Without Boarder salon hold successfully
After the speech, guests discussed the link
between United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and Chinese NGO. The salon
ended harmoniously.
> Third Newsletter on Flood Relief Actions in Southern China by Apple Inc.·CFPA
> Second Briefing on Flood Relieve Actions in Southern China by Apple Inc.
> China 2016 Floods: CFPA' s Disaster Relief Operation Receives 7m RMB from Apple Inc.
> Senior member meeting between CFPA and Mercy Corps
> The financial minister of Nepal visited China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation
> Love Without Boarder salon hold successfully
> Delegation from Myanmar came to CFPA for a visit
> Chen Hongtao, the Deputy Executive Director of CFPA met with Delegation from Mozambique
> CFPA International aid exploration
After the speech, guests discussed the link
between United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and Chinese NGO. The salon
ended harmoniously.