Love Without Boarder salon hold successfully
During this salon, Zhang Ming, the director of
External liaison department of Red Cross stated his view of the
internationalization of Chinese NGO. By two perspectives, he explained his
idea. One is the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, the other is The
Belt and Road strategy proposed by president Xi.
He first expressed his understanding of United
Nations Sustainable Development Goals, especially mentioned the connection
between the Goals and Chinese NGO. He believes that in the frame of global govern,
which has been expressed in that document, NGO, as an actor, will become more
important than ever could imagine. Then, he came back to China by analyzed the Belt
and Road strategy, which will surely cause more communications between China
and foreign countries, as a chance for NGOs to work aboard. By pointed out the
shortages of government assistance, he emphasizesd
the importance and benefit of NGO to participant in this process. At the end of
his speech, he gave out his understanding of demanding of internationalization
of Chinese NGO as advocacy, preparation, human resource and funding.